Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fakesgiving 2009

So, I know I'm way behind and Fakesgiving actually happened weeks ago, but I'm sure y'all want to see how it turned out, right?12 of our friends came from all over (everyone was from out of town but 1, and we even had 2 international guests this year!) and it was a blast!
Kelly's Hubby, Eliot and their puppy dog Mims in her Christmas sweater (E is Scottish!)
Kelly and Mims in her doggy jacket
Thorben and Twyla (He's from Germany!)

Kelly's delicious cheese ball:
Turkey and Mashed Potatoes, my favorite!
Me and the BFF, Andy who is a fantastic cook!
Me and Miss Twy -totally related :-)
Mrs. Mikell and Mrs. Meikle (we're convince that we're Scottish cousins b/c of our husbands' roots!)
The dessert table halfway through the night
(nevermind the papa johns box in the corner-one of the boys who don't cook brought cinnastix!):

Andy brought delicious treats! Red Velvet Cake and Pralines!
The end of the evening was spent around the bonfire with glasses of wine and good conversation:

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